Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Math tasks

Grade 6
Question Packet 1st question is about Mrs Jones and $250
Find Prime Factorization
1st question is 36 and 45

Grade 7
Lesson 7 Examples 1-3

Grade 8
Skill: Equality complete
page 19 #19 - 26 solve the equations

Language Arts Reading Logs Due 10/1

Student reading logs of 100 minutes minimum and up to 5 responses are due tomorrow.  A new reading log will be issued on Thursday, increasing the minimum to 120 minutes, and reducing the written responses to 3 choices from a tic tac toe board.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 7
Lesson 5 pages 5.19 & 5.20 , Lesson Summary annotated,
Vocab for proportion add notes about proportional graphs

Grade 8
Skill: Equality, Additional Practice #1identify slope and y-intercept
Notes should include: Finding Slope, Writing Equations, & now Equality

Grade 6
worksheet on primes, composites, factors, multiples, GCF, LCM

Monday, September 28, 2015

Science 9/28

Students have two homework assignments in science class:
1) Make corrections on Midsummative 1-2 and take the requiz
2) Learning log based on today's investigation of the properties of air.

The learning log questions are:
1) What did you learn about in today's class?
2) How does this connect to what you've previously learned?
3) Do these ideas make sense?
4) How can you apply this learning to something beyond the class?
5) What questions do you have regarding this science idea?)

Students should spend 5-10 minutes reflecting on their learning by answering the 5 questions above!  If they are unclear about a question, they should skip and answer the other questions.  We will go over this in class tomorrow.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Super Moon Total Lunar Eclipse 9/28

For those of you interested, there will be a total lunar eclipse shortly after midnight on Sunday, September 28th.

Here are some links that will give you more information about it:



Science-quizzes returned

Students received their scored science quiz today called, "Midsummative 1-2"  The grade is on the back page by the lower right-hand side.  Scoring is on a 4-point scale and is listed below:

E=Exceeding the standard or Level 4
M= Meeting the standard or Level 3
W= Working towards the standard or Level 2
I/W=Insufficient evidence or Level 1

I encourage all students to make corrections on graded assignments (especially if the student has a quiz/test grade of W or I/W.)  Corrections include writing out the incorrectly answered question AND crafting a 'new' answer using the teacher feedback on a separate piece of paper.  Students should attach the paper to their quiz when done and hand it into me when done.  Students do not need to correct questions that were marked correct on their paper.  Students should only make corrections on the questions they got wrong.

By making corrections, students will have the opportunity to take a new quiz and, depending upon the outcome of the new quiz, their grades can change.  

If you have any questions about the process or how your son/daughter is doing in science class, please do not hesitate to contact me at or call 891-5511. 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Language Arts Homework 9/24

Students must read a minimum of 100 minutes between Thursday, 9/24 and Thursday 10/1.  There is also a book log that needs to be filled out each reading night, for a total of 5 written responses.  This is the last week of 100 minutes, as we will move toward more grade appropriate requirements.

Math tasks

Grade 6
hand out GCF using prime factorization and the Venn diagram
page 259 #26, 28 ,& 30 prime factorizations and number sentences.

Grade 7
Lesson 5  Proportionality and Graphs front and back

Grade 8
Skill: Finding Slope
start Skill: Writing Equations

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
handout Prime Factorization then Venn diagram to find the Greatest Common Factor

Grade 7
Compare and Contrast ratios and fractions

Grade 8
handout Skill: Finding Slope

Monday, September 21, 2015

Math tasks

Grade 6
Review packet #1-7 (omit 3)
Key Concepts prime factorization annoteate
handout page 259 #2-42 even

Grade 7
Lesson 4 pages 5.15 & 5.16 ( include the generalization from your vocab/notes proportion)

Grade 8
page 33 #1-3 completed

Friday, September 18, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
Packet # 1 - 7 (omit 3)

Grade 7
Lesson 4 Identifying Proportional and Non Proportional Relationships in Tables

Grade 8
Be sure page 25 A 1-3 is complete
page 33 #1-3

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
Brian, Peter & Murray problem, and Factor Worksheet

Grade 7
Lesson 4 Classwork problem comparing two teams

Grade 8
Complete page 25 A 1-3 Cost of Painting Bridges

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

8th Grade Boston Trip

Dear 8th Grade Families,

As part of the rite of passage to high school and as a culminating activity of your students time in middle school, we go on a three days, two nights excursion to Boston.~ The dates of the trip are Wednesday, May 25th through Friday, May 27th.~ As part of this trip students will stay in a college dorm room, see Blue Man Group or Shear Madness, visit the Science Museum, walk the Freedom Trail, and have the opportunity to visit local colleges, eat in Chinatown and/or in the North End, and visit other museums in Boston.~ This is a trip that your student will never forget.

The total cost of the trip is $350.~ To help with the costs there will be ample opportunities for your student to fund raise for the trip.~ Your student has a fundraising account.~ The amount that your student raises will be deposited into your student's account.~ In April, the remainder of the balance will need to be paid.~ Families will also have to option to just pay the $350.~ To get the most out of this opportunity, I would strongly suggest that your student be responsible for a portion of the cost.~ Partial scholarships will be available to students, if they have participated in the fundraising activities.

For the student that raises the most money, we are looking for a unique experience for them and a friend. It may be dinner at a North End Restaurant or a special show. The prize will be offered based on the student’s interest.

Tentative list of this year’s fundraisers:

September – PTA Fundraiser – All students who participate, 50% of the profits from their orders will go towards Boston.
November – Thanksgiving Pie Sale
December – February – Calendar Raffle
February/March – Spaghetti Dinner

If you or your student would like to organize a fundraiser, please contact me and will try to make your idea work.

A letter went home with your child yesterday stating how much they have earned for Boston. Please ask them for it.

If you have any questions or suggestions for fundraisers, please contact Joe Smith at [ ] or 893-5529.

Math Tasks

Grade 6
We have been working on factors and Venn Diagrams
page 31 # 17 - 20 ACE
and today we started a worksheet : Greatest Common Facto = y where r/Instruction

Grade 7
Lesson 3 Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships in Tables
has been reviewed in class and stored in their math binder
Vocabulary: proportion should include two boxes to justify proportionality:
1) equivalent ratios/ equivalent fractions justify proportionlality
2) x k = y where x and y are values in a table and k is the constant each value of x can be multiplied by to equal the corresponding y value in the table

Grade 8
We reviewed page 18 & 19  #12 - 26 largely solving equations, graphs and equations, pictures and equations

New task: page 24 & 25 make a graph then answer the questions : A 1-3 on page 25

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Science 9/15

Students will need the nutritional facts/values from some food item either from home or at school by tomorrow.  We will use this information to learn about the various elements in food.

QUIZ on Friday!!!  The quiz will cover what we are learning about this week. We are learning about substances, elements, chemical reactions and how to use the one-or-two letter chemical symbol to identify an element in a chemical formula.  I can meet with students during lunch or after school this week to help guide them for the quiz.

Language Arts Homework 9/15

The homework assignment, Everest Reopens, has been changed to tonight as students used last night to complete a summary of pages 268-273 if their No Summit book.  The written assignment of notes or summary (choice) to be completed with Everest Reopens is due on 9/17 to accommodate traveling athletes.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Language Arts Homework 9/14

Students must read the article, Everest Reopens, as well as complete the graphic organizer of their choice (2 sided sheet only one side should be completed) which requires them to pull out main ideas, key details and summarize.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


House A science students will need to bring in a clipping from any food item at home that has the nutritional facts/values on it.  We will need this by Tuesday (9/15) of next week.  We will use the nutritional facts to determine what elements are in the food we eat.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Math tasks

Grade 6
We are working with factors and multiples. The Venn diagram is being introduced.  There are no new tasks for Monday.

Grade 7
We started Lesson 3 Identifying Proportional and Non-proportional Relationships in tables.
It is not due on Monday

Grade 8
Today page 13 #3  Custom Steel Products was collected.
Skill Practice: page 18 & 19 # 12-26 was assigned yesterday and we will continue working on it next week.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
Factor Worsheet :     List all factors

Grade 7
Proportional Relationships Lesson 2 (pages 5.6 & 5.7)

Grade 8
Collecting page 13 #3 linear or not with other questions and graphs
page 18 & 19 #12 -26  Skill Practice (not due tomorrow)


This week in science, we are beginning a unit on the properties of matter.  Students are using lab safety techniques and science skills (observation, experimentation, etc.) to determine the identity of an unknown mystery mixture.  No homework has been assigned yet.  However, I strongly encourage parents/guardians to ask their son or daughter what they are learning in class.  If you have any questions, please contact me at 891-5511 or  

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
Classwork to have completed and in notebook from yesterday:
page 14+: #9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
New Vocabulary words: multiple, prime number, composite number, factor pair
Factor Worksheet handed out in class

Grade 7
Vocabulary: proportional
Lesson 2         Proportional Relationships  worksheet from Eureka
front and back

Grade 8
Review Bridge data and recognize thickness is linear.
Look at pages 10 & 11 to see pictures of Custom Construction Parts
Do page 13 #3  check to see which graphs are linear versus non-linear

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Math Tasks

Grade 6
We have created binders with at least two sections: Vocabulary/Notes, Current Work and Archive is optional.  We have used Frayer Models to define: factor and divisor and played the Factor Game and the Product Game.  Today we reviewed page 14 + # 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26 and stored these in our Math Notebooks

Grade 7
We have been working on ratios and proportions.  Proportion was a new vocabulary work today.  Last week we used a program called Eureka.  There were two worksheets Lesson 1: An Experience in Relationships as Measuring Rate included in this was Exercise 1: Which is the better buy?  A ticket by the same name was returned today. The second worksheet: Lesson Summary: Problem Set.  These should be complete and in their binders which have a similar format to last year - at least two sections: Vocabulary/Notes, Current Work and Archive is optional.

Grade 8
We started the year reviewing with a worksheet: Skill: Linear Functions, Graphs, and Tables.  Last Thursday& Friday we did and experiment which modeled the testing of bridges.  We tested two variables: thickness and length for breaking points.  Each group plotted their own data, the class average and the Connected Math program trial data and examined them to find out which was  linear.  Graphs should be complete for tomorrow.