Saturday, January 31, 2015

Willy Wonka

Congratulations and job well done to every cast and crew member of "Willy Wonka."  It was wonderfully entertaining!  You're hard work and dedication was easy to see throughout the entire production.  We look forward to your next show!

Progress Reports

On Friday (1/30), House A students were given a packet of progress reports from each content area.  Please look over the packet with your son or daughter.  Students will need to return the "parent and student sign off form" on the cover sheet to their team of teachers as soon as possible.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to the teaching team.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

math tasks, Wednesday

Grade 8
Finish Problem 3 (to page 73) in To Be or Not to Be a Function and start on Problem 4

Accentuate the Negative page 16 #6-8

Grade 6
3.8 Parts of Pizza - page 191 is essential
Work on Completing the packet

Monday, January 26, 2015

math tasks Monday

Grade 8
* Packet: To Be or Not To Be a Function pages 67 - 71
*Frayer model for "function" inclue domain, range, input, output

Grade 7
*Accentuate the Negative page 8&9 A-D, page 10 A&B, page 16#6-8
*Frayer Model page 6 for "rational numbers" include positive numbers, negative numbers, integers and fractions

Grade 6
*new page 190 - 191 Packet: Pizza By the Slice
pages #187 - 189 were checked today

Sunday, January 25, 2015


All students should either be:
1) actively experimenting with their science fair project OR
2) building their engineering prototype. 

We will need to conclude this portion of the science fair by Tuesday of this week to move onto other components of the fair.  If your son or daughter has not begun yet, please let me know.  I may request that they stay after school this upcoming week to do whatever they will need to do to catch up.  Thanks!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

math tasks, Wednesday

Grade 8
LCA Linear Relationships Part II Thursday
complete review sheets
Backwork: TIPS,page 24&25, 28&29 needed
                   corrections on separate sheet and stapled to original

Grade 7
LCA Ratios and Similar Figures #1-5)  Thursday
correct Ticket "DoNow" on separate sheet and attached to original
Percent of Change Word Problems
Percent of Error

Grade 6
3.5 & 3.6  Assignments (fraction work)
3.7 TM Extravaganza & correction on ticket are past due

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Language Arts Homework 1/20- 1/22

Students will be getting back several paragraphs and other assignments that they have completed over the past few weeks. Writing assignments can be revised if they choose to do so. These returned assignment grades will be reflected on Friday's progress report. Due to the shortened week, a new writing homework assignment will need to be completed on Thursday 1/22 only.

math tasks, Tuesday

Grade 8
*new Review sheet    LCA assessment is Thursday
_ TIPS page 28&29 were due today with parent signature

Grade 7
Percent of Error worksheet and notes
LCA on Thursday

Grade 6
*new 3.5 & 3.6 Assignment with fractions
3.7 TM Extravaganza and ticket corrections were due last Friday

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Dear Parents or Guardians,

The science and engineering fair is in full swing.  Many students can and should do some of their project's work from home during the 3-day long weekend.  Each student has a Google account through MMS.  Using it, they can log onto their project proposal.  Ask students to show you their project proposal.  Teachers are placing guiding comments on their page.  Have your son or daughter look over these comments and either: 1) respond or 2) seek assistance from a peer or an adult.  If anyone has any questions about their son or daughter's project, please email or call 893-5511.

Students should also try to gather materials they will need for their project.  We discussed trying to be economical and thinking flexibly around procuring materials briefly in class.  There are many cheaper alternatives!  Again, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Friday, January 16, 2015

math tasks, Friday

Grade 8
TIPS: Equivalent Expressions using the Distributive Property
attach page 24&25, pages 29&29
due Jan 20th Tuesday with parent signature
Grade 7
*MIMIMI packet 6.4
LCA Assessment part 2 of Ratios (Percents especially)
Grade 6
Packet 3.7  TM Extravaganza  & ticket corrections (improper fractions)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

math tasks. Thursday

Grade 8
TIPS: Equivalent Expressions using the Distributive Property
attach page 24&25, pages 29&29
due Jan 20th Tuesday
Grade 7
*corrections on a separate sheet of paper - these need to be done in the room
*6.4 MIMIMI packet: Part, Whole, Percent
*Ten Marks
Grade 6
*3.7 TM Extravaganza (improper fractions) due
*Ten Marks

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Language Arts Homework 1/14/15 & 1/15 Heads Up

Students are highlighing in (or answering questions from) their packet entitiled The Other Civil War. Tomorrow night students will finish time lines on the Industrial Revolution, complete with summaries of each of the 19 events.

math tasks, Wednesday

Grade 8
*Complete page 24&25 A Predicting Profit and page 29 #6-8 using the distributive property and equivalent expressions to find the probability of rain, profit, visitors & employee bonuses.
*TIPS (Teachers Involving Parents in Schools):Writing Equivalent Expressions using the Distributive Property.  These are due Tuesday January 20th and students have been asked to share with parents and get a signature.
*those who have not turned in corrections and their original Quiz for sections 1&2 should do so
Grade 7
*Packet 6.4 MI MI MI.... Determining Part, Whole, or Percent of Percent Problems
*Ten Marks is an online program that was started yesterday in class and has an assignment due this Friday.   It can be accessed through the internet.
Grade 6
*Packet 3.7 MT Extravaganza is due tomorrow
*Ten Marks is an online program that was started yesterday in class and has an assignment due this Friday.   It can be accessed through the internet.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Language Arts Homework 1/13/15- 1/15/15

Students need to highlight (and answer on paper) 30 different pieces of information in a packet entitled The Other Civil War. This assignment is due on Thursday 1/15 in order to use the reading as a source of evidence for a writing piece.

math tasks, Tuesday

Grade 8
page 24 & 25 (A was done in class)
page 29 #6-8 using the equations for Profit and Visitors from page 24
Grade 7
TenMarks an online program was started in class and can be accessed outside of class
Packet: MI MI MI...  Determining the Part, Whole or Percent of Percent Problems
Grade 6
TenMarks an online program was started in class and can be accessed outside of class
Packet: TM Extravaganza p. 177 -179+ (Please keep working)

Monday, January 12, 2015

math tasks, Monday

Grade 8
corrections on a separate sheet and attached to the original for Quiz Sections 1&2
Grade 7
Percent of Change packet
Grade 6
TM Extravaganza Improper Fractions packet pages 177 - 179

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Friday, January 9, 2015

Science Fair

Students learned about testable questions (for experiments) and developing a problem statement (engineering).  All students should come in on Monday, January 12th with either: 1) testable question OR 2) a problem statement for their science fair projects.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

mah tasks, Thursday

Grade 8
Say It With Symbols 2.1 (page 23+) , page 28+ #2-5 Check-up tomorrow

Grade 7
Key Concepts Ratios, Rates, &  Porportions  packet
annotate, check point #9, page 321 #1-8, 11

Grade 6
no new tasks

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

math tasks, Wednesday

Grade 8
page 23 & 24 A1&2, page 28+ #2-5
Grade 7
LCA Assessment tomorrow : similarity (7.G.1)
Collecting:** Practice 7.G.1, ** 5.2 Mirrors  page 80&81, 84&85 #3&4, 
**5.3 Finding length with similar triangles (sharing a common angle) pages 82&83, page 85#5
Grade 6
Hundredth Grid ( using 20% and notes), Percents on a Numberline (notes)
Connections handout page 12 - 14 complete the percent and decimal portions

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

math tasks, Tuesday

Grade 8
Frogs, Fleas, & Painted Cubes, handout  of page 30 & 31 #2-21 collected
Challenge #23 - 29

Grade 7
page 82&83, and page 85 #5
Practice for 7.G.1 handout
LCA Thursday: Similarity

Grade 6
Frayer Model for fraction
handout "Connection" from Bits & Pieces II page 12-14

Monday, January 5, 2015

Humanities (language Arts) Homework 1/5/15

Students have received back 2 paragraphs, the Woolly Mammoth paragraph and a choice informational paragraph. They have been asked to rewrite one (or both if they choose) by using the feedback as a guide for the revision. These are due on Wednesday. Some students still need to complete the paragraphs from before break before they can receive feedback for a revision. This information is written in their planner.

math tasks, Monday

Grade 8
Applications,Connections, & Extensions handout
page 30 & 31 # 2 - 21
Grade 7
Practice 7.G.1
TIPS Similar Figures
Grade 6
corrections on separate sheet for ticket
TIPS and Trail Mix packet if not already submitted

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Science Fair

Dear House A parent,

When we return from the break, students will begin work on their individual experiments for the Science Fair, which will be held on February 12th.

 We'd love for your student to have a head start by coming with their experiment topic already chosen.  Before the break, students used the website  which has a "project selection wizard" that provides choices based on the student's interests from an online questionnaire.  This site is highly recommended because it tells you how to set up the experiment and what materials would be required.
This powerpoint (Type "how to write a testable question" into google and it is the first link) also explains key vocabulary (independent and dependent variable) and provides many examples of easily-testable questions for science fair projects.  The powerpoint version uses lots of visual symbols to make the concept more concrete.
If you'd rather come up with your own ideas, some helpful questions to ask your student are:
            What could you change that you think would change an outcome?   
            How would you measure the outcome? (distance traveled, etc)
            What do you like to cook or bake?   What one ingredient or step could you change that you think would change the result?
            What do you like to build?  Could you test whether a design is stronger or faster than another?
            What equipment do you use that you could compare results from each?
The Science Fair project is a wonderful opportunity for you to connect with your child's learning.  Please feel free to respond to with any questions or ideas.  If you'd like to help out with the science fair, please contact me to find out ways we could use your assistance.  Thank you and welcome back!