Thursday, December 19, 2013

math tasks, Thursday Dec 19th

Grade 8
*The Hot Chocolate Dilemma is being collected tomorrow (math practices)
*corrections need to be cone if they earned less than 12/15

Grade 7
*the Hot Chocolate Dilemma is being collected tomorrow (math practices)
*redos are expected for the "check-up"

Grade 6
The Hot Chocolate Dilemma is being collected (some have posters)

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

math , Wednesday December 17th

Parents please encourage students to work on their fluency by making and using flash cards,  practice books use can pick-up at stores, or their favorite online site like Grand Prix Raceway.  Khan Academy is another source that allows them to advance.

Grade 8
*corrections if they earned less than 12/15 on their check-up
*The Hot Chocolate Delimma

Grade 7
*work on "check-up"  picture of bike
*The Hot Chocolate Dilemma

Grade 6
*Can they represent each of the three wholes in The Hot Chocolate Dilemma for comparison?

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

math tasks, Monday December 16th

All grades worked on rates, proportions, and a Skill sheet: Decimals, Percents & Fractions.

Friday, December 13, 2013

math tasks, Friday December 13th

Grade 8
new task: page 35&36 #6-18
complete page: 34#5, page 37#19

Grade 7
new task: page 33#14-28
page 30-32 #5, 6, 8, 10, & 11

Grade 6
no new tasks

Thursday, December 12, 2013

math tasks, Thursday Dec 12th

check-up today
new task: page 34#5 car wash, page 37#19 jobs
complete: Solving Linear Equations

check-up today
tasks to be completed: page 30 - 37 # 5,6,8,10,11

Grade 6
Assessment on fractions will be completed
tasks being collected:
*handouts on fractions pages 29-32, Skill: Dividing Fractions, Skill: Dividing Mixed Numbers,
page 43 #21-29 (multiplication of fractions & word problem)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Humanitites Homework 12/11- Due by 12/13

Finish the super paragraph choice:  Is Columbus Day justified? or What approach (tactics and style) were used by Nelson Madela that made him a good leader?  Make sure you have at least 3 pieces of evidence, 2 sources and 1 citation.  Remember to use your writing format and mention your sources within the pararaph as part of eac piece of evidence. (ie.______ states...)

math tasks, Wednesday Dec 11th

Grade 8
Check-up tomorrow
Collecting : page 7&9 bridge thickness & length with data support
handout: Finding Slope, Writing Equations

Grade 7
Check-up tomorrow
Collecting: Module 5 Section 3 Study Guide work with percents & ratios
Labsheets 1.2 sleuth with 2nd labsheet for lengths, angle measures, perimeter, & area
Mug on graph paper, Labsheet 2.1A co-ordinates of other Wumps (both family and imposters)

Fraction Assessment and work continuing throughout the week
Collecting: handouts page 29 - 32, Skill: Division, Skill: Division of Mixed Numbers
page 43 #21-29 & 17 multiplication of fractions

Science 12/11

Students received back their "Midsummative 3-4" quiz today.  All students are strongly encouraged to make corrections on it (if their score was a "W" or an "I") and do the retest.  I also recommend that parents or guardians ask their son or daughter to show/explain the quiz to you and encourage them to make corrections on it.  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Science Fair Parent Letter

December 9, 2013
Dear Milton Middle School Families,
        We are excited to be holding a Science Fair at Milton Middle School on the evening of February 12, 2014.  This event will be on the same evening as a Milton Community Dinner so you can enjoy a great meal before experiencing the impressive work our students will be showcasing.  All students in grades 6-8 will be expected to participate in the science fair. Hands-on scientific investigation and invention are the focus at our particular fair.  Over a nine week period, your child will design, test, analyze, and present a project that uses scientific methods to solve a problem. The sky’s the limit!
         As you know, science, technology and engineering include basic skills expected by employers. As Twenty First Century citizens, our students will also have to make some of the toughest decisions of any generation, based on their understanding of emerging science and technology.  Doing science is key to understanding science.   Science fairs involve students in the practices of science and engineering, requiring them to apply those skills to a topic of interest to them.
         Time will be given to students during the school day to work on their project.  We encourage students to continue this work at home as well.  Students will be given project guidelines and time-lines at school, and teachers will check in with them periodically.  However, much of the work will be self-directed.  Families are encouraged to offer support and reminders, but to allow children to do the projects by themselves.
        We are encouraging support from the community in helping to make this experience a beneficial one for our students and for Milton Middle School.  Please call or email with any questions or potential resources.   More information will follow as the night of the Science Fair approaches.  Thank you very much in advance for your support!
Milton Middle School Science Teachers
Rob Decicco – House A        Greer Krembs – House B        Nathan Caswell – House C            
893-3215 (x1243)                       893-3215 (x1206)                         893-3215 (x1215)                    
Catherine Thibault-Cote – House C                                Janet Smith – House D                               
893-3215 (x1214)                                                893-3215 (x1234)

Monday, December 9, 2013

math tasks, Monday Dec 9th

handout, Skill: Finding Slope

Grade 7
Labsheet 2.1 A, every one needs to create a "Mug" on 1/4" graph paper

Grade 6
"Notes" handout about multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers
*page 43#21 - 29 and #17 (word problem)
(complete Skill: Dividing Fractions if is not done)

Friday, December 6, 2013

Math House A December 6th

There are concerns about the Process Standards on the first trimester report cards.  Math teachers in the middle school discussed what math practices/process standards we would report on but did not set specific criteria for those processes that was commonly reported.  Since the math practices are a fundamental aspect of problem solving "2" the symbol for "working" was assigned to every one implying that we are working on them.

The report cards represent what was commonly taught be all math teachers.  Power School has more details. In Power School all of the items in blue are live links.

If you have any questions please contact me, my email is

Math tasks for today
Grade 8
*Complete page 25
*Vocabulary on Frayer model for math; linear relationships

Grade 7
*page 13 #5 change rate to 1 cm = 1 foot and complete the problem
most students have the drawings copied onto centimeter paper
*Vocabulary: similar should have the note: area of the original times the scale factor squared is equal to the area of the image

Grade 6
* 2 handouts: Skill: Dividing Mixed Number & Skill: Dividing Fractions

Thursday, December 5, 2013

math tasks, Thursday Dec 5th

*Notes in class: linear relationships
*page 24-25

Grade 7
*Vocabulary: proportion, scale factor,  corresponding sides &angles added to similar Frayer model
*Completed labsheets and discussed scale factor
page 12#1, page 13 #5 assigned (page 13 #5 should change the scale to 1cm=1foot)

Grade 6
*page 49 number line with 14 units separated into how many groups of 3/4
*drawings of 1 divided by 1/4. and one half divided by 1/4
*page 55 #1 a,e,i, #2&3

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Humanities Homework 12/ 5-

Students should complete the readings started in class and finish the accompanying graphic organizer, determining author's purpose and text type. 

Humanities Homework 12/4- cancelled

The humanities homework scheduled for tonight has been cancelled, as we did not get as far in class as I had anticiapted.  The homework has been modified and moved to tomorrow night, Thursday 12/5.

math tasks, Wednesday Dec 4th

Grade 8
*pages 12 &13 #1&2 stories, tables & graphs
* page 19 # 16-22

Grade 7
Enlarging & Reducing
*2 labsheets: original and image
                   lengths, angle measures, perimeter, area
*Vocab: similar
*page 19 # 23 - 26, solving equations

Grade 6
*page 49: 14 units on a numberline, how many groups of 3/4
*handouts 29&30, new:31&32, 33 &34
* page 55#1- 3 word problems with fractions

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

math Tasks, Tuesday Dec 3rd

Grade 8
*corrections Filling and Wrapping
*page 18&19#16-22
equation and solutions

Grade 7
*corrections for Variables & Patterns
*Two handouts: find perimeters and areas of the rectangle of the hat and the triangle for the body

Grade 6
*page 49 how many groups of 3/4 are there in 14 units
*handouts page 29 & 30 multiplication of fractions (reciprocals)

Science 12/3

Students should complete a learning log on the "Mono Lake Card Sort" for homework tonight.  It should include the words producer, consumer, and decomposer.  This assignment will be checked at the beginning of class tomorrow.  Expect a quiz on this material in the near future.

Monday, December 2, 2013

math tasks, Monday, Dec 2nd

Grade 8
Returned corrections: quality is expected
*vocabulary: rates
*graphs from 1.1 & 1.2 enhanced with average data
*page 18#16-22  write equations and find how many coins are in each pouch

*returned: Variables & Patterns assessment, corrections are expected it the score was less than 28
*Notes: "You Be the Critic" & "Finding parts or Whole"
*Module 5 Section 3 (backside of "Finding Parts or Whole) complete

Grade 6
Returned: Pizza Ticket
*new: page 48 Investigation 4: Division of Fractions
*page 49: divide the number line with 14 units into groups of 3/4.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Humanities Homework 12/2 and 12/4

¨      Homework- Finish your “reason to judgment” of the 3 Little Pigs-
             Now that you have two perspectives, is the Big Bad Wolf as bad as presented in the                 first perspective?

¨      Homework – Find and evaluate the author’s purpose on any 2 articles – fill out the Author’s Purpose evaluation sheet using evidence from the article to support your text type decision