Wednesday, June 6, 2018

math tasks

Grade 7
Students have been reviewing and practicing the operations with various forms of rational numbers and exploring algebraic equations as they compare them to models and arithmetic.  Our final common assessment begins today.  It is a long assessment so doing a quality job will be our focus for the rest of the week.
Grade 8
Students continue to explore transformation: translations, rotations, and reflections of congruent figures (those that have the same size and shape).  We are using transparencies, grids, and following and Illustrative Mathematics hands-on structure. Our final common assessment will begin tomorrow, Thursday.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

math tasks

Both 7th and 8th grade will be having their last common (taken by the whole school) sometime during the week of June 4th.  It will be the End-of-Module for Unit 2 Rational Numbers for 7th grade and  an assessment on transformations for the 8th grade.
Grade 7
We are working on equivalence through manipulation of the equation: using the distributive property, terms, and varying like terms. 

Grade 8
Unit 1 Lesson 3 Grid Moves is due tomorrow.  Students are asked to transform various figures through reflections, translations, and rotations.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

math tasks

Grade 7
Lesson 18
We have completed the first half and next week will be working with equivalent expressions and evaluating them
Grade 8
We are working on transformations: translations (slides), rotations, and reflections.  Hands on activities have assisted in the development of word to describe movement.  We are on the second lesson: Naming the Moves.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Grade 7 has started Lesson 18, "Writing, Evaluating, and Finding Equivalent Expressions with Rational Numbers.  We have been looking at phone plans and deciding what one to use for different family situations.
The standards being addressed are: 7.NS.A.3, 7.EE.A.2, 7.EE.B.4a ........................................................................................................
Grade 8 has been taking the Pythagorean Theorem assessment and we are about finished.  We will be starting a unit on congruence and using transformations to show the property.  Slides, translations, reflections, and rotations will be used.
The standard being addressed is: 8.G.A.1