Monday, May 25, 2015

Earth System Atmosphere Exploration

Student Handout

Earth Systems
What are the 4 main spheres of Earth?
Where can you find the element carbon?

What is the structure and composition of the atmosphere?


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Weather and Climate Quiz

6th and 7th grade students have a quiz in science class tomorrow (Thursday, May 21st).  They are allowed to create an index-card-sized study guide that they can use on the quiz.  Students can use their notes, class handouts, the preassessment and any other material to help them study and create the study guide.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

8th Grade Only-Science NECAP 5/12 & 5/14

8th Grade students will take the Science portion of the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAPs) on Tuesday, May 12th and Thursday, May 14th.  This test assesses the depth of understanding of science content and skills from 5th through 8th grade.  8th grade students should get plenty of rest the night before and are asked to try their best for this assessment!

Progress Reports-5/11

Dear Parent or Guardian,

On Monday May 11th, House A students will be given a packet of their progress reports in class.  They should bring this packet home and review it with you  Please sign the cover sheet and have your son or daughter return the cover sheet the next day to one of the core teachers.  If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact the team or individual teacher directly .  Thanks in advance!

House A Teachers

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hot Tropics, Cold Poles reading

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