Monday, March 31, 2014


Science students will have a quiz on Wednesday.  It will cover the topics of reproductive potential and limiting factors in an ecosystem.  Students can use their notebooks, milkweed bug reproductive potential worksheet, milkweed bug hatching investigation, algae & brine shrimp investigation and the reading on limiting factors to help study.

math tasks, Monday March 31st

Grade 6
Check-up tomorrow on decimal addition and subtraction and strategies we can use
(fact families - inverses & order)
page 15#30-36 & Additional Practice Inv1 are being collected

Grade 7
Chip Model introduced pages 14&15
page #18 # 32-38 assigned for practice

Grade 8
Linear relationships, substitution, & equivalent expression (especially fraction decimals & percent formats)
paage 24&25

Friday, March 28, 2014

math tasks, March 28th

Grade 6
page 15#30-36

Grade 7
page 17 #20-30  numberlines with start face move & number sentences

Grade 8
page 28&29 #2-5

Thursday, March 27, 2014

math tasks, Thursday March 27th

Grade 6
no new tasks

Grade 7
no new tasks

Grade 8
page 24 2.1 Adding Expressions A-C

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Many students handed in their cell projects today and it was very encouraging to see the creativity and hard work students put into them.

Students received back their midsummative 5 quizzes in class today.  All students are required to make corrections on them.  When they hand their corrections in, they will be eligible to take the requiz and potentially change their grades.  Please check PowerSchool or send an email if you have any questions.

math tasks, March 24 - 26

Grade 6
Gardening task started yesterday.  Work on design and cost

Grade 7
new task:  labsheet for ACE questions page 18 #31, page 20#48
former tasks: pages 11-13 Problems 1.2 &1.3
page 16 #9&10, page 19 #44-47, page 20#49-51

Friday, March 21, 2014

Humanities Homework - 3/21-3/25

Students have been studying propaganda and have been asked to make their own propaganda poster.  The assignment directions below should be used.  Students will have about 30 minutes on Monday to add finishing touches.  Core 1 students received a word search and fill in the blank, which is due Monday.  All other students will receive the word search Monday night.  For the Core 1 group, this propaganda homework will be assigned Monday night.

1. Choose one of the events that most interests you. (Edward Snowden & wiki Leaks, the school budget, Missing Malaysia Flight MH 370, Health Care, Health foods initiative with Michelle Obama, or a current event of your choice)

2. Research your topic for about 15 minutes, finding:  Who, What, When, Where, Why and How  AS WELL AS

              The controversy-(include both sides of the argument- governments view and the opposite)

3. Choose a side- what message do you want to send? Make sure it follows the propaganda rules:

           A. Promotes one side of an issue               B.  A political viewpoint

4. Choose a technique from the technique sheet (most propaganda uses 2-4 techniques)

5. Draw - neat complete and hall worthy - think of Rosy the Riveter or Uncle Sam

Science 3-D Cell Model Project

Hello Students and Families,

In science, we have started a Unit on Cells.  The final project for the cell unit involves having each student create a 3-D model of either a plant or animal cell. (Students who have opted to work in pairs will complete both an animal and plant cell model).  Students have a two page document that outlines the project and suggested materials that could be used. The rubric is included on the back of the document.  I am really looking forward to seeing the students creative projects.  I also want to emphasize that I do not want students to spend a lot of money on their projects.  Students are encouraged to use "found" objects to create their project!

The building part of the project will be done outside of class-time.  The 3-D model will be created either at home, during enrichment in school or after school. We created the background information for labeling cell parts and functions in the classroom.  The project is due next Wednesday, March 26, 2014.  Please feel free to contact me at school or by e-mail if you have questions.

Kind Regards,
Amy Otis-Lange
Student Intern, Mr. Decicco's Classroom
MMS: 893-3215

math tasks, Friday March 21st

Grade 6
new task: page 10&11-1.3 update table with fraction equivalents  from page 9 - 1.2 decimal number sentences for word problems then do B
page 16&17 find perimeter of figures which have decimal side lengths # 40 - 45
Collected: page 14 #20 - 29

Grade 7
new task: handout requiring number lines with start, face and move noted and then a number sentence written
Collecting: Labsheet 3C which has work from spinners created in class and corrections for the
LCA for Comparing & Scaling

Grade 8
new task: Complete Additional Practice for Investigation1 in Say It With Symbols
equivalent statements about a problem are needed and the distributive & communative properties are used extensively
Collected: page 8&9 for The Community Pool with Labsheet 1.3, & page #16&17 #33-50

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

math tasks, Tuesday March 18th

Grade 6
Collecting page 14+ #20-29
new task: page 12 Decimal Sums & Differences (inverses)
Fact Family - hand out

Grade 7
collecting: corrections
3 Labsheet and numberline and spinners created
new: Notes page 5&6 number lines,integers, opposites, rational numbers and Exploration- Hiker
Math Fever page 8&9 A-E

Grade 8
Collecting page 16&17 # 33 - 50 and page 13 & 14 Community Pool with Labsheet 1.3
new task: 1.4 Diving In Transparency 1.4 pages 9-11

Monday, March 17, 2014


Students have a quiz in science on Tuesday, 3/18th.  The quiz will cover photosynthesis, cellular respiration, the cell organelle responsible for these two processes to occur and how the 10% rule relates to how energy flows within an ecosystem.  Students should use their notes, the trifold, readings, bead activity, notes from the YouTube video, etc. to help prepare for it.

math tasks,Monday March 17th

Grade 6
page 14&15 #20-29 decimals & fractions

Grade 7
Corrections on a separate sheet and attached to the original for Comparing & Scaling
Hiker Labsheets &pages

Grade 8
page 16&17 #33-55, Connections - skills related to our work with expressions & equations

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Important Events

This is just to alert you that the Cairn's skating trip has been moved to Thursday, March 20th. 

Middle School Band & Chorus- 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 18th

Portfolio Conferences:
  • Portfolio conferences scheduled for Wednesday March 12th will happen on Wednesday, March 19th
  • Conferences schedule for Thursday, March 13th wiill happen on Tuesday, March 18th. 
Please let us know if the this changes your availabity.  We will try to find a time/day that works best!

No Middle School Athletic Study Hall

This is a reminder that there is NO study hall after school until spring sports season begins in late April or early May. Only students who have assigned detentions, who have made arrangements with individual teachers for supervision and those who are attending open library hours with bus passes or parent permission, should be in the building after-school hours.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

math tasks, Tuesday March 11th 2014

Grade 6
page 16#39 find the perimeter

Grade 7
Skill with Integers & Percents on a Numberline complete and in Notes

Grade 8
pages 8&9  The Community Pool Transparency 1.3

Monday, March 10, 2014


Students will have a quiz this Friday, 3/14, on Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration and how energy flows through the tropic levels (solar energy, producers, consumers, decomposers) in an ecosystem.

Students should look over their notes and photosynthesis/cellular respiration trifold for a few minutes each night to help prepare themselves for the quiz.

Additionally, students that would benefit from meeting with teachers before quizzes/tests should make an appointment to meet with either myself or Mrs. Otis-Lange during enrichment or after school.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me (

math tasks, Monday March 19th

Grade 6
Collected page 9&13, new: page 16#37-39

Grade 7
new page 41#4-9, handout Comparing Prices
old: pGE42#12,11, PAGE45#27-31, PAGE43#13-16t
These will be collected tomorrow at the time of the assessment
page12 #1&3, page16#24-26, hand out Writing Equivalent Expressions

Friday, March 7, 2014

math tasks, March 7th Friday

Grade 7
page 59#24 population proportions, page 55#1-4 word problems with rates, page 57#15 comparison prices

Grade 6
page 8&9 decimal word problems, page 13#8-18  practice

Grade 8
1.2 page 7 Thinking Differently
page 12#1&3, page 16#25-32

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Portfolio Conferences

Dear Parent/Guardian,

This is just a reminder that Portfolio Conferences will take place next week on Wednesday (3/12) and  Thursday (3/13). We have only received a fraction of responses back.  If you are interested in conferencing, please fill out the form below and have your son or daughter return it to their advisory teacher.  We look forward to seeing you!

*Please indicate your first and second choice for a conference time by checking the time and highlighting or circling the preferred date; have your student turn it in to his/her advisory teacher. We will get back to you to confirm the scheduled time of your conference.*

___  Please contact me to schedule an alternative time.
___  I would definitely like to meet with _______________________ about  ___________________
(insert teacher name/class)(topic to discuss)
Student: _________________________Attendees: ______________________________
first & last name______________________________

math tasks for Wednesday March 5th & Thursday March 6th

Grade 6
Pages 5&6 with Transparency 1.1 and Percents on a Number line from our notes.
page 5&6 #1- 7,  and addition and subtraction of decimals sheet (collected when done)
page 9 A&B assigned

Grade 7
pages 36&37 A-C & E as notes then page 42#10 a-c  (collected today)
today page 42#12&11(unit rates and percents), page 45#27-31 (unit rates),
 page 43#13-16 (solving equations)

Grade 8
Performance Task about football collected today
Say It With Symbols (new booklet) page 6 and Labsheet 1.1
 ( expressions, equations, tables & graphs)