Thursday, January 31, 2013

Humanities 6 Homework

Students have a list of words for the Land Use Unit. They should define each term in words that they understand and then write a sentence for each. Remember to use proper conventions, especially ending punctuation.
Thursday, January 31st
Grade 8
There is NAEP testing for the 8th grade this afternoon so there are no new tasks.  There is a check-up next Tuesday for the first two investigations of Looking for Pythagorus.

Grade 7
The seventh grade is having a LSA, local common assessment, Stretching and Shrinking.  They should review their vocabulary and work the work they have done.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sixth Grade Humanities

The students did a nice job on their compare/contrast paragraphs. Today's lesson reviewed how to develop a good research question as we move into our second research project of the unit: looking at the growth of cities in the U.S. There is no new homework tonight.

Science 7/8

All students are encouraged to make corrections on their density test, Scuba Diver.  By making the corrections, you become eligible for the retest.  You must take the retest in order to change your grade(s).  The retest will focus in on the parts that you scored a "W" or an "I" and NOT the parts that you scored an "M" or above.  See Mr. D. if you have any questions!
Tuesday, January 29th
Grade 8
*new task - page 21A-E  Square roots
Students have notes from yesterday and the 5X5 grids they used for drawing squares for page 19 they can reference
Continue work on page 26#42 and page 29#47&48

Grade 7
We worked with rotations today.
Students should continue work on:
Skill:Similar Polygons, and Skill: Using Similarity

Monday, January 28, 2013

English/Language Arts update

As the temperature swiftly plummets and slowly rises; the snow descends, gathers, and then melts, we may think of the hardships that accompany life in the northern lands. Students are thinking about land and how we use it, where we settle and why, in our new unit of study. This is an integrated unit between Social Studies and English. We are looking at land use and settlement, both historically and present day. In English, we are primarily learning how to do research and how to synthesize all of the information we find into a presentation. Students will be assessed along the way, so it is very important for them to be organized and have materials ready in both classes. On Wednesday, I will be checking off the following assignments: Research Vocabulary Definitions; Native American Venn Diagram; Research Question worksheet; 3 Researchable Questions; Vocabulary Study Tool/Puzzle

As always, please feel free to email me or call with any questions.
Take care

Progress Reports 7/8

Students were handed a packet that contains their progress report in each class.  Please look it over with your child and sign the first page.  Have your son or daughter return it to their core teachers as soon as possible. 

Sixth Grade Humanities Core 1

Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the Land Use of the Inuit and Anasazi Native Americans. Use the Venn Diagram that we completed in class.

Humanities Core 2: Finish Compare/Contrast paragraph if you did not finish it during class.
Monday, January 28th
Grade 8
TwMM corrections were returned today
Late corrections will still be accepted
*new task: page 26#42 work with right triangles
                  page 29#47&48

Grade 7
returned: check-up used as a task and Additional Practice Inv #2
new task: complete page 78&79 A-D, C&D are the new tasks

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Parent Questions
There have been some questions from parents about how to assist their student with math.  First of all I would like to encourage you to let your students know that you feel their education is important and support them by asking if they have work to do and checking the blog if you have concerns. In school they have their classes, enrichment, lunch and Wednesday after school math available to them to touch base.

The following are a couple of sites you might find helpful from Pearson the people who support our math program.
  • This is a Pearson site has homework help for each of the booklets by section

  • This is a Connected Mathematics Project site and on the left of the page is a list of options one of which is "Site for Parent"

Friday, January 25, 2013

Science 7/8

Students received back their density test, "Scuba Diver" in class today.  All students are encouraged to make corrections on their test over the weekend.  By making corrections, students become eligible for the retest.  Please ask your son or daughter about the test.  Ask them to share with you how they did on it (what did they do well and what could be improved) and encourage them to take the retest.  I hope a lot of students take advantage of this correction/retest opportunity.
Friday, January 25th
Grade 8
*new task: Page 19 A&B Labsheet2.1, 5 Dot-by-Dot Grids
Make squares with and area of : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16
Grade 7
*new task: page 78 & 79 A&B:draw the sketch and
 find the height of the building

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sixth Grade Humanities

Comlplete Venn Diagram on Region Characteristics. Compare and Contrast the North/Arctic Region with the Southwest Region. Use the the left hand column of the two note sheets that we completed and went over in class. Tomorrow, we will write two compare/contrast paragraphs on Region Characteristics and Land Use.

The afternoon section (Core 2) has Two Venn Diagrams for homework. One is on Regions and the other is on Land Use.

*I would like students to use their planners to record homework. Many students have lost their planners or are not bringing them to class. Please ask students to bring in their planners or replace them with a small notebook to record assignments.
Thursday, January 24th
Grade 8
new task: page 13#11-20, page 14#21-25 with Labsheet 1ACE #15-25
Practice finding area of irregular shapes

Grade 7
new task: page 47#7, page 48#8 Labsheet 3ACE exercise 8
relationships of similar figures

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, January 23
new task: page 11 Finding Area, Labsheet 1.3

Grade 7
Complete pages 42&43
new task: handout Skill: Similar Polygons

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22,2013
Grade 8
TwMM correction if score was lower than 85 on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the original.  These are due Wednesday, Jan 23rd

Grade 7
Complete page 42&43 drawings, scale factor, perimeter &area

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday, January 18th
8th Grade
*The assessment was returned today and corrections are expected if they did not earn an 85 or better.  These should be done on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the original then put in the tray.
*The other task they have been asked to complete is pages 5-10 in
Looking for Pythagorus with Labesheets 1.1&1.2.  It reviews co-ordinate planes and the relationship to maps.  Geometric figures are also reviewed.

7th Grade
*We completed the check-up
*page 42  similar figures and their relationship to scale factor, perimeter, and area
*Skill:Similar Figures especially #5-7

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Thursday, January 17th
Grade 8
*new task:  Looking for Pythagorus pages 5-10 with Labsheets 1.1&1.2
Reviews and uses the co-ordinate plane and making parks the shape of different math figures for the city of Euclid.
We are finishing up our LCA for Thinking with Mathematical Models

Grade 7
*new task: page 42&43 explores the proportionality of corresponding sides in similar figures
We are finishing our check-up on Investigation #2 of Stretching and Shrinking

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th
Grade 8
*new task: Looking for Pythagorus is our new booklet
read and do pages 5 - 10 and Labsheets 1.1 & 1.2
Grade 7
Additional Practice Investigation #2 needs to be completed
and turned in when they complete their check-up

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday, January 15th
8th Grade
We started our LCA for Thinking with Mathematical Models today after we reviewed the characteristics of inverse and linear relationships.  Students will have more time tomorrow in class. 
handout: Skill: Solving Equations
handout: Additional Practice Investigation#2 Ocean City Bike Tour(V&P)
page 33#1 & page 53#3 problems reviewing the experiment with
                 about bridge length, bridge thickness, and breaking weight
handout:Skill: Identifying Inverse Variation

7th Grade
new task: Additional Practice Investigation#2
                 work with scale factor, similarity, area
*Check-up tomorrow


Sixth Grade Humanities

Marsh Core 1 Literacy Class: Finish reading "Indians of the Eastern Forests" and take notes on the handout. Our research questions are, "What were the characteristics of the land/region," and "How did the Native Americans use the land?"

Many students have lost their planners. Please try to have them returned to class, or replace them with a small notebook for the purpose of recording assignments.
Monday's Math
8th Grade
*LCA, local common assessment, Thinking with Mathematical Models
expect it on Tuesday and Wednesday
Collecting:  Skill: Solving Equation (7-12 are the most important)
                    Additional Practice Investigation 2 from Variables and Pattern
                    page 33#1 & page 53#3  review of Investigation#1 TwMM
                     Bridge experiment with length, thickness, and breaking point as   
7th Grade
*page 34 & 35 #19-25, mapt with scale and practice with fraction division

Monday, January 14, 2013

Science 7/8

Students will have a test on their understanding of density tomorrow, 1/15.  For today's class, we reviewed the material and used our science notebooks as a way to help study for it.

Sixth Grade Humanities

Students took a reading assessment this morning. There is no literacy homework.

Sixth Grade Math

Students involved in Annie: You must complete today's class work: Bits and Pieces, pages 20 and 21, problems A-D.

All other students have homework: ACE Applications hand-out, problems 1-6, pages 26-27.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

"Annie" Permission Slips

House A students received a permission slip in their advisories to attend the play, "Annie," on Friday, January 18th.   Since the play is over at the high school and students will walk over there, we would like parents/guardians to look over the slip, sign it and have your student return it to their advisory teacher.  MMS students have been working very hard to put the play together and we are encouraging everyone to attend.  Students will be dismissed from the high school and can take their bus home from the high school.  If you have any questions, please contact the House A teachers.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sixth Grade

Sixth Grade students received a new family update letter today. It is on blue paper. Please make sure your child gives it to you.

Have a great weekend.
Friday, January 11th
Both grades 7&8 have been updated in PowerSchool.  Tasks are listed and the results of check-ups and corrections are entered.

*There are no new tasks for today, however we are preparing for a Local Common Assessment on Thinking with Mathematical Models by reviewing solving equations, inverse variation, linear equation and non-linear patterns.
Moving Straight Ahead handouts especially pages 58 & 59 along with the handout, Skill: Solving Equations provide practice and should be done and reviewed.
* The assessment will be Tuesday and Wednesday as Annie is in the final stages of production and we are being flexible with time.

Grade 7
*new task: page 30&31 #5-8 practice using scale factor
* A check-up on scale factor, ratio, corresponding angles &  sides is coming next week

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Science 7/8

Tonight, students should read and annotate the "Relational Causality and Layering Liquids" worksheet they were given in class.  Students should look through their science notebook and write 3-4 sentences about what they have learned during this unit.  Have their thoughts changed since the beginning of this unit?  What did they learn that was new?

Students will have a test on Tuesday (1/15) of next week.  It will assess their understanding and skills around density.  If students have any questions, they should see me before the test to review the material.  I am available during lunch, enrichment block and after school.
Thursday, January 10th
Grade 8
*New task: MSA handout from page 59#11-16
complete MSA page 58#5-10
Demonstrating balance as the equations are solved is the focus
Notes: Combining Signed Numbers (integers) and rules for multiplying
were handed out
*The local assessment has been moved to next Tuesday & Wednesday.

Grade 7
*new task:
page 23 Mouthing Off
scale factor for similar figures with special attention
       to which way we are going
Vocabulary: scale factor

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wednesday, January 8, 2013
Grade 8
new task: Review from Moving Straight Ahead - handouts
In class we did page 49&50 Labsheet 3.2
*page 58 #5-8, #10

Collecting Mug's Hat tomorrow, Thursday January 10th
no new tasks, fraction sheets are due Friday

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Sixth Grade Humanities

Marsh Core 1 Homework: Westing Game Vocabulary

Write a sentence for each vocabulary word on sheet.

Science 7/8

Students will be having a test on density early next week.  If they have any questions, I am available during lunch, enrichment block and/or after school to meet.

Tonight, for homework, students should fill out a learning log AND create a visual representation of why objects sink/float in various liquids.  We will share these representations at the beginning of class tomorrow and discuss the pros/cons of them.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Grade 8
We are finishing up Investigation 3 on Inverse Variation and will be having a Local Common Assessment on the booklet soon.
Task: Skill: Solving  Equations
#1-7 practice
#8-12 are essential
Check by substituting your solution in the original equation.

Grade 7
Fraction Note Papers
Addition and Subtraction
Due Friday January 11th

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday, January 7,2013

Grade 8
new task:s
* page 56 #12, Roseville is homesteading lots that have a perimeter of 500 feet rather than an area of a certain amount.
*Vocabulary: Frayer Model - inverse variation

Page 53 # 1&3, examples of inverse variation should be complete

We are working on the last investigation in Thinking with Mathematical Models.  A unit test will be happening possibly as early as the end ot this week.

Grade 7
new task:
page 33+34 # 14 - 18, work with fractions, decimals, asn percents as well as addition of fractions as they relate to scale factors and co-ordinate pairs as used with our Wump family and Mug's hat.

Page 24&25 with 2 labsheets and Mug's Hat should be complete.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday, January 4th, 2013
Grade 8
Inverse variation is the focus of Investigation 3.  We will be finishing up this booklet about the end of next week. 
*new task: page 53 #1 square inches is the fixed area and
#3 bridge length
( reference Investigation #1, our original experiment with bridges)

Grade 7
* no new tasks
*page 24 & 25 should be done
Mug's hat and its size and location are the focus

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013
Grade 8
returned check-ups that had been corrected
*new task:relationships with a fixed area page 48 A-D,
The story relating this is about homesteads being offered to attract new residents

*reviewed similar figures as related to Mug, family members, and imposters.  It was noted that if both the x and y values were multiplied by the same value the figures were similar and therefore family members.
*new task: Mug's Hat
Size and location of the hat are explored

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Welcome back!
Grade 8
new today:
*vocabulary, arithmetic sequence
the definition can be found among other
video tutor for Connected Math Grade 8
*new task:  Variables and Pattern, Additional Practice Investigation#2
choice of busses for Ocean City Bike Tour

The following assignments we put in the notebook prior to vacation will be collected tomorrow:
page 32 A&B Big Fun and Get Reel with graph
page 37#19 allowances for Jonah and Anchee
page 38#25 Transcontinential and Innercity Express

PowerSchool has been updated, checking there will give you information about what has been done.
* Corrections are to be finished for tomorrow. These were started prior to vacation and many still need work.
*new task for those who have corrections done: page 14#7
Use with webcode ane-2107

The following tasks were retuurned and should be in their "Cuurent Work"
page 12 #1, paage 14&15 #8-12, page 15&16 #14-19, Labsheet 1.3 with Table from pages 10&11, page 13#5, Additional Practice Investigation #1, and Skill:Using Percent