Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30th
8th grade
*Collected Labsheet 4.2 & Handout Skill:Finding Slope
*page 25 First State Bridge Painting Company A
find equation of mathematical model/best fit line
*new tasks: page#33 #1-3 , there is a labsheet that goes with #3

7th grade
*page 15&16 #14 - 19 work with percents, fractions, & decimals and comparisons
*page #7-9, only A on page 9 was assigned yesterday and many students need to do the comparisons, in class we discussed using a table

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29th
8th grade
*Collecting Labsheet 4.2 review of linear relationships,
and Skill: Finding Slope tomorrow November 30th
*new tasks:Skill: Using Slope and Skill: Writing Equations

7th grade
*Collected page 12#1 comparing sizes,
page 14&15# 8-12  with formulas, substitutions, values, and units
*new task:  enlarging "Super Slueth" with rubber band stretchers and answering questions on page 9 A

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Science 7/8

Students should be making corrections on their "Bicycle Tire" assessment.  After they make corrections, they can take the retest and change their grades depending upon their responses.  I will accept corrections/retest up until Friday (11/30) as the last day.  All student are encouraged to do this.  I will not assign homework this week in hopes to increase the number of students taking advantage of this opportunity.  Please email me or check powerschool to find out if your son or daughter has made corrections.
Wednesday, November 28th
8th grade
We are reviewing how to write equations for linear relationships
*Labsheet 4.2 from Moving Straight Ahead
*Skill: Finding Slope (2-sided)

7th grade
*complete pages 14&15 #8-12
Be sure to write the formulas (perimeter, circumference, or area), show the substitutions, correct value and units
These are being collected

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sixth Grade
Math Homework
  • Multiplication Worksheet Page G
  • Finish Frank problem
  • Due on Thursday
Sixth Grade
Students are reading about Early Exploration and The Age of Discovery. Each student is studying a different explorer. Students are reading text selections in class, but they may also be doing some additional research at home. Ask your child which explorer he/she is studying. An optional assignment is to come to class with one additional resource printed from the Internet. Students should use the same guidelines as when choosing books: not too easy, but not too hard. Before printing, sample a paragragh or two to decide if the resource will be useful.
  • Samual deChamplain
  • Ferdinand Magellan
  • Jacques Cartier
  • Henry Hudson
  • Bartholemew Diaz
  • John Cabot

English 7&8

In 7&8 English, we are wrapping up our exploration and discovery unit. The main idea from this unit was to understand what drives people to explore, despite the risks. We also worked on determining the central idea of informative text and summarizing, as well as citing textual evidence to determine what the text says and infers.
Into Thin Air Response: Students read an excerpt from "Into Thin Air," by Jon Krakauer, and then had to write a paragraph response to the question "What drives people to explore despite the risks?" based upon Jon's experiences. This is due 11/27

Mini Research presentations: Students independently researched a modern explorer or discoverer (20th and 21st century) by reading and summarizing an article, and then presenting the information to the class orally. Due: 11/28

Text type Assessment: Student learned how different types of text are organized (comparison, explanation, problem/solution, etc), and then completed an assessment in class.
Due: 11/30
Tuesday, November 27th
8th grade
*new task: First State Bridge Painting Company, using data and finding a mathematical model  page 25A
*Vocabulary: linear relationship ( Frayer model) include: slope, rate,
y = mx + b, and y-intercept

7th grade
*Mystery Club page 6 A&B with labsheet, estimating height of teacher
*Vocabulary: start building the concept of similarity: same shape, different size
*new task: page 12 #1, pafe 14&15 #8-12
show your work

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 25th
8th grade
*corrections for the first check-up in Thinking with Mathematical Models are due tomorrow.  Matching graphs and a table created from a visual pattern was the focus.
*Students were also given Sills: Patterns and Predictions to work on as we go through the types of patterns that can be made.  It is not due tomorrow
* Student should have the first investigation complete including pages 10&11and it should be in their notebooks.

7th grade
*corrections for the LCA, unit test for Variables and Patternsare due tomorrow.  They were given class time to work on them.
*Additional Practice on figures was given for them to work on, it is not due tomorrow.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Science 7/8

Welcome back!  Students received back their "Bicycle Tire: Inquiry Assessment" today in class.  They analyzed it to determine strengths and target areas to improve.  They used the test to determine their 1st Trimester grades in science class and strategies they could use to improve their target areas.  All students are encouraged to make corrections and do a retest to improve their grades.  Please encourage your son or daughter to take advantage of this opportunity!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sixth Grade
Finish worksheets 51 and 52 (both morning and afternoon classes)
In addtion, Ms. Johnson's afternoon class needs to complete page 53.

Please make sure your Leif Erikson packet has been completed.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
8th grade
*Additional Practice for Investigation 1 #1-4 where patterns are identified and equations are exemplary. Tables are wonderful tools to help with organization and identification.
*Vocabulary: linear relationships
include: rate, slope, y-intercept, y = mx + b

7th grade
no new tasks
*Students received their booklets for Stretching and Shrinking, a section on ratios, proportions, and similarity.
*The Local Common Assessment,LCA, was finished today.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sixth Grade

Bits and Pieces, page 43, problems 18-20 and
page 46, problem 47

Read Leif Erikson and answer questions/take notes on the reading on the attached worksheet. As you read, try to fill in the vocabulary word meanings. Work to the best of your ability for 30-45 minutes.
Wednesday, November 14
8th grade
*Custom Construction Parts pages 10&11
*Check-up was today the following papers attached:
        page 18&19 #12-26, review of linear relationships
       page 16 #7-9 this was checked Monday I am checking records

7th grade
*Students will have time tomorrow to finish the local common assessment on Variables and Patterns
*Attached to the test:
    Additional Practice Investigation 2 #1  work with bus companies
     page 56&57 # 7-8 if not already submitted

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hi There from English/Language Arts 7/8,
We are in the Exploration and Discovery unit, trying to find the answers to the following Essential Questions:
1. What drives people to explore, despite the risks?
2. Do the benefits of exploration and discovery outweigh the costs?
3. How do we use exploration and discovery to know ourselves?
4. How does a reader of informational or narrative text determine the most relevant details to support analysis?

While social studies covers most of ancient and historical exploration, english will cover modern exploration and self-discovery content.

Currently, we have read, discussed, and written about the following readings:
1. Mission: Space Jump- News article about Felix Baumgartner's record setting jump from 128,000 feet.
2. Facing the Extreme- We read the preface to Ruth Anne Kocur's account of a 1992 disaster on Denali.
3. Into Thin Air-We read selected excerpts from Jon Krakauer's account of a 1996 disaster on Mt. Everest.

Students should have responses written to both disaster accounts by the end of Wednesday's class. If not complete, it will be homework.

English 7&8

Hi There from English/Language Arts 7/8,
We are in the Exploration and Discovery unit, trying to find the answers to the following Essential Questions:
1. What drives people to explore, despite the risks?
2. Do the benefits of exploration and discovery outweigh the costs?
3. How do we use exploration and discovery to know ourselves?
4. How does a reader of informational or narrative text determine the most relevant details to support analysis?

While social studies covers most of ancient and historical exploration, english will cover modern exploration and self-discovery content.

Currently, we have read, discussed, and written about the following readings:
1. Mission: Space Jump- News article about Felix Baumgartner's record setting jump from 128,000 feet.
2. Facing the Extreme- We read the preface to Ruth Anne Kocur's account of a 1992 disaster on Denali.
3. Into Thin Air-We read selected excerpts from Jon Krakauer's account of a 1996 disaster on Mt. Everest.

Students should have responses written to both disaster accounts by the end of Wednesday's class. If not complete, it will be homework.

Tuesday, November 23, 2012
8th grade
*Check-up (quiz) on the first problem in Thinking with Mathematical Models
       completing tables, interpreting graphs
*page 18&19 #12-26 are to be attached to the quiz tomorrow
*Corrections for Filling and Wrapping are past due

7th grade
*LCA, local common assessment, on Variables and Patters tomorrow
* Additional Practice Investigation 2 #1
       is to be attached to the test tomorrow - analysis of bus companies

*Challenge page 62#48 Rod Bridges or Khan Academy

Monday, November 12, 2012


Math Homework

In Bits and Pieces:
  • page 41, problem 11
  • page 42, problems 12, 13 and 14
  • page 46, problems 40-45
Monday, November 12,2012
8th grade
page 10 IF pages 18 - 19 #12 - 26 are done with work shown
These are questions that review linear relationships and solving equations for the value of x.
7th grade
*Finish Additional Practice Inv2 #1 and decide which bus company to use and when to use them.
*Start Skill: Analyzing Graphs
These tasks are to prepare students for the LCA, local common assessment, on Variables & Patterns to be given Wednesday.
*Challenge Problem:  Additional Practice Inv4 #4

Friday, November 9, 2012

Sixth Grade

Sixth grade students received a new family update letter today. It is on bright yellow paper. Please make sure your child gives it to you.

We enjoyed seeing many of you at conferences last night and look forward to more next week.

Thank you and have a great weekend.
Friday, November 9, 2012 Math
8th grade
*more practice solving equations, page  19 #23 -26
 *Reminded students  corrections for LCA Filling and Wrapping
Power School will be updated this weekend
Challenge: Volumes of Cones & Spheres

7th grade
Practice to for Local Common Assessment on Variables and Patterns
the assessment will be given mid-week before Thanksgiving break
*Additional Practice #1 for Investigation 2
      Additional Practice #4 for Investigation 4

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8th, 2012 Math
8th grade
pages 18 & 19 # 12-22 matching equations and graphs, writing and solving equations for various forms of presentation, & solving equations for x

Tasks for Wednesday, Nov 7th
8th grade
page 16 #7-9 review of linear relationships

Thursday November 8th
7th grade task
page 57 & 58 #13 - 20 writing equations from word descriptions &
completing tables

Task for Wednesday Nov 7th
7th grade
Complete page 52 & 53 Two Step equations
Complete page 54 equations and applications

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Science 7/8

Students should graph the results of their hand washing lab for homework tomorrow.  All classes should do this except for 7A.  They should complete their portfolio reflections for homework.

Sixth Grade Humanities

There is no new homework tonight, except to continue to develop story ideas for our next Narrative Writing Project. Students will be writing a narrative piece that is either realistic fiction, historical fiction, or narrative nonfiction. Narrative nonfiction can be a story about yourself or about a real person.

Students should have decided upon a main character, that character's challenge, problem, or goal, and the setting for the story.

We look forward to our student-led conferences beginning tomorrow evening.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday, November 6th Math
8th grade
Today we did the experiments on pages 6& 8 in class, collecting data, making graphs, and starting the question about the variables bridge thickness and
bridge length.  Students should finish the questions on pages 7&9.

7th grade
We reviewed the tables and various equations including two step equations for page 56 #5-7 and took questions on page 57#8.  The papers were collected and will continue to be collected tomorrow.
        New Task: The Bike Tour people are trying to make sure they are going to be able to cover expenses and still make a profit so a table is created to total expenses and make sure revenue ( students have been confused by this word so they may need to be reminded that it is money brought in by the business) covers their  expenses and they have a profit. 

We are almost finished with the booklet Variables and Patterns so we will be having an assessment soon.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Sixth Grade Humanites

Narrative Writing Planning Guide

Write down your ideas for our next writing piece: Narrative writing around exploration or discovery.
Decide on your main character, setting, and conflict/challenge/or goal. Bring your completed form in to class tomorrow.
Monday, November 5th, Math
7th & 8th grade
Students are putting portfolios together for their student-led conferences. In math three reflections are being done on:
1) an assessment
2) their notebook
3) a choice piece they are proud of
demonstrates learning

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2nd Math
7th & 8th grade
Both grades did skill work on fractions.

Yesterday they started work on their reflections for their student-led conferences.  In math they are doing the first reflection on an assessment, the second on their notebooks, and the third on a choice piece they are proud of and demonstrates learning.  These are due by Monday, November 5th when we will be putting together their portfolios in classes.

If you do not have your conference date please be sure to let us know your preference for times.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sixth Grade Humanities

Marco Polo and the Silk Road, read pages 7-8, and answer questions.
Thursday, November 1st
8th grade
*Yesterday the assessment on the the booklet Filling and Wrapping was returned.
If students did not earn an 85 or better it is an assignment to do corrections on a separate sheet of paper and turn it in as soon as possible.

*Today we started writing our reflections for the math portion of the student led portfolio.  There should be a reflections on : 1) an assessment,
2)their notebook  3) is a choice piece that they are proud of and demonstrates learning.

7th grade
* We are continuing work on two step equations. Yesterday they were asked to complete pages 52 &53 with work on group admissions to a park and understanding the use of bonus cards for rides.  Today they were asked to work on practice problems on pages 56 &57 #5-8.

*Today we started writing our reflections for the math portion of the student led portfolio.  There should be a reflection on : 1) an assessment,
2)their notebook  3) is a choice piece that they are proud of and demonstrates learning.