Tuesday, December 5, 2017

math tasks

Grade 7
Scale drawings and similarity are the focus for the last few lessons prior to the End-of-Module assessment. Similar figures has the same shape, not necessarily the same size, and are proportional.
Eureka Lessons 15-17 are the focus.
The standards for this last section are: 7.RP.A.2b and 7.G.A.1 if you google Khan Academy and the standard you can find more practice.

Grade 8
Slope , the standard form, and the slope intercept form are the focus of the current section.  We will find slope using the co-ordinate plane and moving from one point to another then counting and using two points and computing the value.  Transforming the standard form into the slope intercept form using the property of equality and using both forms to determine slope is the focus.
The standards are: 8.EE.B.5 and 8.EE.B.6 if you google Khan Academy and the standard you can find more practice.

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