Thursday, April 20, 2017

math tasks

corrections complete for grades 8 & 7
Grade 6
Start Lesson 8 dividion with mixed numbers
Grade 7
Lesson 18
Writing and Evaluating Equivalent Expressions
Grade 8
Lesson 12   Modeling Similarity

Monday, April 17, 2017

Science News

  • Our young scientists took a Cells test on Wednesday.  My goal is to have it returned before the break so students can make corrections on it.  This week, students are doing a mini-research project on several of the human body’s systems.  The project will be due on Friday, April 21st.  Please ask your student what body system they are studying!  We are making connections to each body system and the different specialized cells found in these systems.  Our goal is to realize that the body’s many systems are interconnected and work together to support the whole organism.  After the break, students will study genetics, adaptations and natural selection.  If anyone has any particular expertise in this area, please email me or contact me at 893-5511.

Odyssey weekly news

We would like to thank all the students and families that attended our student conferences this past week.  It was great seeing students take charge of their learning and leading the discussions!  We hope there are many things to celebrate along with some clear goals that students can work on to finish out the school year in the most favorable way.

Students walked over to the high school on Thursday to see Maine’s Franklin County Fiddlers perform.  Please ask your student about their performance and what “Don’t be afraid to be awesome” means!  Students should be able to explain the difference between a fiddle and a violin. Thanks to a student’s question, we now know what an amazing accordion solo sounds like!

Friday, April 14, 2017

math tasks

All worked on fraction operations today.  We have been preparing for the Grade 8 math assessment all week and it will happen on Monday. Grade 7 is working on expressions and Grade 6 is working on division of fractions the models and stories.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

math tasks

Grade 6
Lessons 5&6 with fraction division, models, and stories.  Identifying the unit helps create the story.
Grade 7
Lesson 18: Writing, evaluating. and identifying equivalent expressions. We are currently working on the section prior to the Problem Set.  Identifying the best cell phone plan and writing the same expression using parentheses, the distributive property, and a tape diagram.
Grade 8   Our End of Module assessment will be next Monday, April 17th
Lesson 11 practices several of the strategies for identifying similarity and demonstrates you can also show it with one corresponding angle and the proportional property exhibited by the rays (line segments ) making up the angle.

Monday, April 10, 2017

math tasks

Grade 6
Lesson 5 finish problem set with work on division of fractions
Grade 7
Lesson 17
Comparing Tape Diagrams and Algebraic Solutions
finish Problem Set
Grade 8
Lesson 9
Properties of Similarity
proportions, corresponding angle measures are equal, dilation and transformation

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Odyssey News

We will hold student conferences on Tuesday (4/11) and Wednesday (4/12) from 4:00pm-7:00pm.  We are encouraging all families to sign up and think this is a great opportunity to discuss student learning.  Please join us!

Students will have a change in their core class groupings this week!  For science and math, students will be in classes by grade level.  For ELA and SS, students will form a humanities block and be mixed by grade.  We are changing our class groupings for a couple of reasons: 1) it will allow Social Studies and English Language Arts to combine their classes in an integrated manner. 2) Students in science and math will work by grade level and hopefully deepen their camaraderie and leadership looking forward to next year. 3) it will allow for a change to our routine and shuffle up the class groupings we have had for the past few months.  If folks have any questions about this change, please email the team.  We feel that this change will benefit our team of students as we move toward the homestretch of the school year.

On Thursday of this upcoming week, students will voyage over to the high school for a concert from the Maine's Franklin County Fiddlers from 9:00am-10:00am.   Students will be back in time for their unified arts classes and lunch.  We are excited to offer this culturally enriching opportunity for our students!

Congratulations to Megan Humphrey for being awarded an opportunity to work as a Vermont Legislative Page!  We will miss you in the classroom and hope you enjoy this unique learning experience.


Congratulations to Angeleah Rivers for being awarded the VSTEMF silver medal at the Vermont State Science and Mathematics Fair!  Congratulations to all students (Angeleah Rivers, Kaitlyn Tice, Haley Dupont, Baylee Rock, Cameron Laychak, and Megan Humphrey) who participated at the state level.  We hope that you learned a lot from this experience!   MMS had a very strong showing at the state level.  Many of our students walked away with awards and represented our school very favorably.  Kudos to your hard work throughout this long process!

Friday, April 7, 2017

math tasks

All students please fill out and submit Math Reflection Trimester 2 which can be found in Google
Classroom Odyssey Project.
Grade 6
Lesson 5 Division of Fractions - models and algorithm
Grade 7
Lesson 17
Comparing Tape Diagrams and Algebraic Solutions
Grade 8
Lesson 8 Exercise 2, 3, 4
proportions for similar triangles, Pythagorean Theorem, and sequences of dilations and rigid motions to show similarity

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

math tasks

Grade 6
Lesson 4 division of fraction with model complete
Lesson 5 Example 1 making a story for fraction division: interpret, model, answer, units, and completed word problem
Grade 7
Mid-Module tomorrow
Review: 8 Number Lines for hiker, Combining Signed Numbers, and Lesson 16 Problem Set
Grade 8
Look-over Lesson Summaries for 7, 8, & 9
PLP - Odyssey Project Classroom
Math Reflection Trimester 2

Monday, April 3, 2017

math tasks

Grade 6
Lesson 4 continues with the models for division of fractions with unlike denominators.
Grade 7
Mid-Module assessment tomorrow focusing on the four basic operations with rational numbers so signs, fractions, mixed numbers, and word problems.  They have combining signed numbers handout, the eight number lines we created using the hiker, and The booklet through lesson 16 for review.
Grade 8
Mid-Module assessment tomorrow on similarity as explored through dilation. They have worked through Lesson 6 in the booklet and have the Frayer model for similar.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Science weekly update 4/2

  • This past week, we investigated the cell membrane by doing a “Rubber Egg” experiment.  We changed the liquid surrounding the egg and saw what happened to the egg’s circumference.  We are investigating cell parts (organelles) and what these parts do for the whole cell.  Cell projects were given back to students and student are highly encouraged to make corrections on it to improve their grade.  Grades have been entered into powerschool for it but email me directly if you’d like information about your student.  This upcoming week, students will investigate two other cell parts, the mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell) and chloroplasts (solar panels in plants.)  We will do an experiment using yeast to show cellular respiration.   Students should expect a test at some point next week.  Students are encouraged to meet with me after school or at lunch time to help them prepare for it.